
Andover U3A

Quiz Group


The Quiz Group meets at The Royal British Legion Club, Osborne Road, Andover, on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Doors open at 1.45 pm for a 2.00 pm start. There is an entrance fee of £2 per person to cover costs.

New members are welcome. Teams are formed on a random basis giving everybody a chance to get to know each other in a friendly atmosphere; refreshments are available.

Quiz Dates For 2025
January 8th February 5th March 5th April 2nd
May 7th June 4th July 2nd August 6th
September 3rd October 1st November 5th December 3rd

If you would like to attend, or require further information, please contact the Group Leaders.

Group Leaders Email Address Phone Number
Nigel and Vanessa Knott 364322